SAT ZcǴZ俼Ŀģôڶ̕rg(ni)P(gun)ijҊc?СռP(gun)SATZcP(gun)(ni)ݣϣ
SAT Zcwϵ
1^һڵbrtherebeͻcZھҪҵZ;вZrҪ¸ҵĒIJҵZ;^һ߀F(xin)һЩ̶÷Уһ^neither nornot only but alsoȵȡ
2 ߉Z~~ھһҪ]Z}
3 rB(ti)Ļãe`ǣhave+^ȥʽ^ȥɕrһ^ȥʽãF(xin)ɕrһ^ȥʽĻ
4 ~ʹ~~Ώ(f)(sh)Ůe;Ҳtheiritthey֮gָ;P(gun)ָ֮gָitָָֻһ~onetheyָoneyouҲָ;this܆Ϊ䮔ZeZ
5 ͬ^ֻͬĖ|as well asthan
EGThe population of China is larger than that of America.
6 adjadvĻãadj~adv~Ĵ~Adjadv֮gñ^
7 ӽY(ji)(gu)“”BӃɂ“;”andBӃɂ;һL^Z~B~Ĕ(sh)ĿҪƽ⡣
1 havingbeingھe`ģھ_
2 one’s doing sthǂ(f)sı_ʽThe doing of sthҲ]doing sth
3 ʾԭĕrbecauseı_ʽbecause ofҪ
4 thatʡԵΨһlڏľeZZ
5 whichwhowhom֮ҪȱZeZZľ
6 nonotĹ̶ͻ÷
7 ԭЛ]еĆ~(DZʾD(zhun)P(gun)ϵ~)xгF(xin)Ǹ׃;ͬԭѽ(jng)еP(gun)ϵxбʡˣҲǸ׃
8 ^thanҪͬͬ
9 whether …or notԶif …or notDzġ
10 adj+ving/ved+adv I’m careful reading it. I’m reading it carefully.