

r(sh)g2023-07-19 10:21:27 Ԋ ӢZ ҪͶ
  • P(gun)]







1The phrase reneging on Line 3 para.1 is closest in meaning to . x2012꿼ӢZx}Part A Text 2

A. condemning B. reaffirming

C. dishonoring D. securing

ɸ(j)}̖(ho)ʾѸԭĵһεҵĿ(bio)~Mԓ~MھӞβ䣬طԓ~MھcĵP(gun)ϵԭ£A deal is a dealexcept apparently when Entergy is involved. The company a major energy supplier in New England provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.ԭĵһԒеexceptһ~Ҫ}c(din)except֮ǰľӱʾҎ(gu)(zh)С֮֮ă(ni)cǰİl(f)ӡɴ˿ƜyEntergy˾δҎ(gu)(zh)ڶǡ혽ӡһԒĺ벿^m(x)Uɴ˿ƜyԒ_(d)đ(yng)ԓEntergy˾δҎ(gu)(zh)еľw(ni)(j)ڶԒеprovoked justified outrageM(jn)һ_Entergy˾`Ҏ(gu)ģĂ(g)x(xing)ֻdishonoring ܽ^F(xin)һ~ܱ_(d)@ӺxCondemningʾl؟(z)֮ԭ˼Reaffirmingsecuring_(d)ĶǷeO϶ĺxcԭı_(d)˼͸ɫ෴_𰸞x(xing)C


ּ(bio)}}ǿӢZxij}֮һ@һ}͵}г(hu)F(xin)Tmain ideageneral ideameanly discussbest title֮~Ҫ鿼ijһλƪּ


2Which of the following would be the best title for the text x2008꿼ӢZx}Part A Text 1

A. Strain of Stress No Way Out

B. Responses to Stress Gender Difference

C. Stress Analysis What Chemicals Say

D. Gender Inequality Women Under Stress


׶ΣWhile still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. Women are particularly susceptible to developing depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men according to Dr. Yehuda chief psychiatrist at New Yorks Veterans Administration Hospital.

βΣNot everyone experiences the kinds of severe chronic stresses Alvarez describes. But most women today are coping with a lot of obligations with few breaks and feeling the strain. Alvarezs experience demonstrates the importance of finding ways to diffuse stress before it threatens your health and your ability to function. ͨ^xβο԰l(f)F(xin)@ɶжγF(xin)P(gun)I~stresswomenҪUŮܵĉͨ^@һc(din)ųx(xing)AC?yn)@(xing)жδF(xin)cŮԣԄeP(gun)~Rx(xing)BDzͬԄe挦ķ(yng)βвδf挦rɴ˿Ɯy(xing)e(cu)`x(xing)Dıcβεıһ__foһʧɿٞg[εβ_ͬӛ]UͬԄe挦ķ(yng)ɴˏصųx(xing)B



3According to Ericsson good memory . x2007꿼ӢZx}Part A Text 1

A. depends on meaningful processing of information

B. results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises

C. is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors

D. requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration

һͨ^}еP(gun)I~EricssonɌϢλԭĵĶΣThis success coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize those differences are swamped by how well each person encodes the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully Ericsson determined was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather it involves setting specific goals obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

ڶͨ^@ԒѸ្Ericssonăɂ(g)^c(din) The act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. Deliberate practice is the best way to learn how to encode information.

팦ȷĂ(g)x(xing)ԭϢͨ^yl(f)F(xin)x(xing)BıEricssonĵһ(g)^c(din)x(xing)CıcĶεһԒıһԃ߶e(cu)`x(xing)Ѹųx(xing)Dᵽimmediate feedbackconcentrationԭжͬӵıEricssonڵڶ(g)^c(din)ᵽdeliberate practiceҪă(xing)(ni)@(xing)Ericsson߀ᵽһ(xing)specific goalsx(xing)D©@һ(xing)Ϣȱʧe(cu)`x(xing)فyȵx(xing)A(j)ĶεڶԒƔ@һ(g)Y(ji)ՓAbilities to memorize depends on how well each person encodes the information. x(xing)AгF(xin)processingһ~encodeͬxQɴ˿ɴ_x(xing)A_



4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that . x2011꿼ӢZx}Part A Text 2

A. top performers used to cling to their posts

B. loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated C. top performers care more about reputations

D. its safer to stick to the traditional rules

ɸ(j)}еʾ~last paragraphϢٶλԭһΣMany recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. The traditional rule was its safer to stay where you are but thats been fundamentally inverted says one headhunter. The people whove been hurt the worst are those whove stayed too long.

҂Ă(g)x(xing)(j)λ@ԒoДx(xing)AǷһε֮⣬ȔRx(xing)Bеgetting out-datedcһԒеfading˼ߌ(yng)ͬx(xing)Bg(sh)etting out-dated(yng)loyalty of top performersһԒеfading(yng)old disgrace of top performersx(xing)B͵Q˸e(cu)`x(xing)x(xing)Cıڴ˶Λ]ᵽҲǴ˶ε֮ųx(xing)Dıc˶һԒă(ni)෴e(cu)`(j)ųֻx(xing)A_

ճҎ(gu)E}طһԒ֮(j)headhunterfĵһԒThe traditional rule was its safer to stay where you are֪^ȥ^Lj(jin)һ(g)šλ^ȫ(j)еġThe financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one@ԒƜy^ȥ˂ô׽ܡۡ^ٽY(ji)ȫĶvtop performersF(xin)_ʼۡԒ}yƔtop performers^ȥ(jin)һ(g)šλɴҲɵóx(xing)A_



5Toyota Motors experience is cited as an example of . x2011꿼ӢZx}Part A Text 3

A. responding effectively to hijacked media

B. persuading customers into cotting products

C. cooperating with supportive consumers

D. taking advantage of hijacked media

(j)}еP(gun)I~Toyota MotorɌϢλԭһһԒToyota Motor for example alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as the social-news site Digg.

@ԒĴ˼fS܇ڽġٻءΣC(j)ͨ^罻ýwό͑M(jn)зeOؑ(yng)pһЩpʧy@(g)һ(g)Œ(sh)˾͑M(jn)лؑ(yng)ЧġM(jn)һ_Œ(sh)Ƿ_ɽ@һǰһԒIn such a case the companys response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful and the learning curve has been steep.@Ԓf˾r(sh)ĵĻؑ(yng)pʧ͕(hu)^Kء֮Ҳf˾Ҫ͑M(jn)зeOĻؑ(yng)Ă(g)x(xing)ֻx(xing)Aᵽresponding effectively Чػؑ(yng)_



ԓҪ(j)4ƪṩă(ni)ݻش20С}ÿС}o4(g)x(xing)(dng)xѴ𰸣ÿС}2404ƪµĿLȴs1600 ~









1. (x)(ji)R(sh)}




According to the text/Paragraph...

In Paragraph...which of the following is NOT mentioned?

The author agrees on all the following except that...

...results from...

What advice does the author give to...?

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

The main reason for...is that...

Which of the following can be a disadvantage of...?

2. Д}





We can conclude from...that...

We can learn from the text that...

Why is...mentioned in Paragraph...?

In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by...

Paragraph...shows that...

...is mentioned to...

By citing...the author intends to...

The author seems to be mainly concerned with...

The author suggests that...

3. Zx}






The sentence ... Line...,Paragraph... means that...

The word/phrase ... Line...,Paragraph... most probably means...

By saying ... Line...,Paragraph...,the author means that...

The underlined phrase ... in paragraph...refers to the ones who...

The underlined phrase ... Line...,Paragraph... most probably means...

The phrase ... Line...,Paragraph... is closest in meaning to...

4. ּ}





Which of the following is the text mainly about?

The passage is mainly about...

What would be the best title for the text?

Which of the following is the best title for the text?

The best title for this passage could be...

Which of the following would be the subject of the text?

What is the passage mainly about?

5. ^c(din)B(ti)}





Towards...the writers/authors attitude can be said to be...

...attitude towards...is one of...

...attitude towards...seems to be...

What is...attitude towards...









