To begin, let's take a look at the distributioncontract we just signed with Standard Suppliers. Ibelieve each of you has a copy.
Looking over the numbers, you get an idea of whatStandard expects from us in terms of monthlyshipments. I think you'll agree that our necks are onthe line here.
This leads me to my first concern. Franklyspeaking, we're worried that current productivitycan not keep up with demand.
Mr. Gibson and I have gone over Action's operating expenses, and we believe that there isroom to both expand and upgrade facilities.
The best place to start is Action's mainstay - the assembly line. What we'd like each of you todo is to go over your respective operations, make recommendations about improvingproduction, and report back to us.
● 問題前導
1. To begin, let's take a look at the distribution contract we just signed with StandardSuppliers.
2. Let's get started by taking a look at the Standard distribution contract.
3. To get started, I'd like you to go over the distribution contract we just signed withStandard Suppliers.
● 團隊精神
1. I think you'll agree that our necks are on the line here.
2. Don't you agree that Action is taking a risk with this new contract?
3. We're certainly all aware of the risks with this new contract.
請大家了解目前的情況時,必須注意營造出團隊的氣氛,讓每個與會者都覺得這是自己的.責任,并無職位高低之分?捎"we" 、"our"或公司之名"Action",作為句子的主詞,還可用間接句型使口氣婉轉(zhuǎn)。
● 問題癥結(jié)
1. Frankly speaking, we're worried that current productivity can not keep up with demand.
2. To be honest, we're worried that current productivity can not keep up with demand.
3. Basically, there is concern about productivity levels not keeping up with demand.
進一步地指明問題;但絕不說出某某部門或某人應負責這類話。注意說話者仍然使用"we"為主詞,表示這件事大家都有責任。句子開頭可加上"Frankly speaking"、"To be honest"(坦白說),這樣的詞匯加重口氣。
● 解決之道
1. What we'd like each of you to do is go over your respective operations, makerecommendations about improving production, and report back to us.
2. What we recommend is that each of you evaluates your departments and makesrecommendations for improvement.
3. We'd like to see each of you go over your operations, and think of where we can improveproduction.
問題點明之后,接著就提出明確的要求。用間接語法的句子如"what we'd like", "what we recommend",可使語氣婉轉(zhuǎn),讓聽者較沒有被命令的感覺。