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David Benson
1781 West Ave.
Tarrance, CA 90505
Objective: A position in advertising where I can maximize my advertising, supervisory, research, and estimating skills in both print and media.
Summary: Offering over 10 years experience, an A. A degree in Business, and a comprehensive background in all areas of advertising marketing. Ability to thoroughly research, analyze situations, propose creative solutions, develop good rapport, and bring projects to completion under budget deadlines.
Employment History
Print Advertising/Sales Director
United Media, Phoenix, AZ 1994-Present
Responsible to publisher of Equal Opportunity Employment journal for selling and placing advertising in the Recruitment and Education Publication.
● Brought in major new accounts, including American West Airlines and Acme Printing Company.
● Won opportunity to attend California training seminar in telemarketing/sales.
Grey Advertsing, Inc., New York, NY 1988-1994
Media & Print Estimator
Responsible to supervisor for estimates, media placement, and client/agency communications.
● Responsible for over tow million dollars of account estimating.
● Responsible for print and media advertising for Revlon Cosmetics.
Additonal Information
Education: Associate Arts degree, El Camino Collge, Los Angeles, CA.
Continuing Education: Accounting, UCLA
Affiliations: Society of Sales Professionals
求職求薪求未來 擠著累著憧憬著11-29
跪求打折廣告 麥當勞嫌侮辱消費者11-11