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Wear theright outfit:Make sure you know what the dress codeis for the office. One goodidea is to check with HR before the interview to get a feel of what you shouldwear。
Bring copiesof your rsum: Although you're sure the company has your rsum, it never fails tobring copies of your just in case your interviewer needs to look at it anddoesn't have it in front of her。
Have a nicefolder for your rsum:Just so your rsum doesn't look like something cat draggedin, keep it in pristine condition in a professional-looking folder。
Have theappropriate body language:Be aware of how you're carrying yourself during aninterview, because your posture, eye contact,and relaxed position can impressyour interviewer. Remember to sit still and straight and don't fidget。
Give theright answer to the weakness question:This could be the question that couldtrip you up. Be honest and give a real answer and not a cop-out one。
Be on timeor slightly early:Turning up five to 10 minutes early is the sweet spotforinterviews. Showing up too early can make things awkward,and showing up toolate is a red flag. But just because you only have to get there shortly beforethe interview starts doesn't mean that you can leave your house later. Plan tobe near the interview spot a lot earlier than when it starts to account forunexpected delays like traffic, and
hang around in a nearby coffee shop untilit's close to the interview time。
Prepare theright questions for the interviewer: Make sure you've prepared a list of goodquestions to ask your interviewer at the end. Pay attention throughouttheinterview, so you'll have questions related to what the hiring manager talkedabout. This shows that you're actively listening。
Send a thankyou note:Always send a thank you note after the interview.This is somethingthat's appreciated by a lot of recruiters. It's also your chance to make afinal impression or clarify anything you didn't get around to in your interview。
Think theinterview is over until you walk out the door:The interview will continue untilyou walk out the office door, so be careful of your behavior and your wordseven when your hiring manager is done firing questions at you. Be polite and ontop of your game when you are making casualconversation on your way out, and benice to the receptionist。
Get toorelaxed: Your interviewer can seem like your long-lost BFF, but she'snot. And you shouldn't treat her like one. It's OK to be friendly, but you'restill trying to make a good impression. Don't be too relaxed or you may slip upand do something that's unprofessional. She's not going to base the interviewsolely on how likeableyou are。
Badmouthyourold job:Maybe you had a boss la Devil Wears Prada, but your hiring managerdoesn't need to know that. Badmouthing your former employer just gives offnegative vibesand detractsfrom your professionalism。
Beunprepared: This should be obvious, but research the company to death. This isso you can craftyour answers to fit the kind of candidate they're looking forand show that you're diligentand have done your homework。
Addresssalary or benefits until the interviewer does:OK, so they are very importantfactors for you, but hold off until you get the job offer.Your interviewerwants to see what you can do for the company, not what's in it for you。
Freakout ifyou don't know the answer:OK, the interviewer just threw you a big curveballbyasking you to do some calculations when you have a phobiaof math. Don't. Freak.Out. The worst thing you can do is to clamup when you don't know an answer,because you won't be able to think clearly and may throw out a bad answer inpanic。
Lie:Never,ever lie. Being found out will ruin your chances of getting the job. Plus ifyou make up something, you may not be able to talk at length about it withoutslipping up. Generally speaking, honesty is the best policy!
Talk aboutyour problems: You need the job to pay off your student loans, blah blah. Thehiring manager does not want to hear about your 99 problems, and although you'rebeing honest, you will be hired based on your qualifications, potential forsuccess, and your fit with the culture. Everything else will be secondary tothose factors。