

時(shí)間:2024-05-21 11:32:25 留學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn) 我要投稿





  Dear xx,

  The dynamics of Psychology affect our everyday life and behaviour,this iswhat me so interested in the subject. From an early age, I often wondered why weact as we do and what effects us as we grow up. I always had a strong interestas to why people were so different even though genetically, everyone is similar.I have thoroughly enjoyed the subject, especially conformity. It fascinates meas it portrays how strong peer pressure can be and I believe this is the mainsubject that deals with why we act the way we do. We conform everyday, offeringa wide knowledge on behaviour. I am enjoying studying how the body and mind workand why certain things affect certain people. I find it useful on a personalbasis as it can be used to explain many problems such as how illness isconnected to stress.

  For 9 years I have aspired to be a teacher. After studying psychology, I amcertain that is what I wish to do for the rest of my life. After a weeks workexperience at Mill Lodge primary school, I decided I did not want to teach suchyoung students, however, it made me certain that I want to pursue a career inteaching. My work experience increased my patience with children and gave me awide overview of types of students. For a year and a half I have worked inTesco, helping my patience and confidence, which was once lacking, has improved,showing a large expanse of people skills, with customers and staff members,giving me the experience of working as a team.

  Active participation in school life has also been rewarding. Whilst atLight Hall, I helped with projects run by the school. From February 20xxonwards, I was commended for supporting special needs pupils from Hazel OakSchool by helping with IT work. I assisted one teacher and one pupil in helpingthem create various IT projects. This boosted my enthusiasm to be a teacher.From a young age I played netball, playing for 7 years in total in the positionof goal keeper. In Year 11, I taught students in years 7-9 how to play to thebest of their abilities. However, I had to give up this hobby when startingcollege due to other commitments and desire to start extra courses. Regardless,I am determined to begin this hobby once again.

  I was part of the student council at Light Hall, additionally attendingmeetings with the head teacher and other senior staff. In year 11, the 'StudentVoice' was introduced where two students from each year, including myself, wereselected to speak to the school's board of governors. At college, I joined thestudent council again. In my first year, I was nominated as a member of my formto be in the student council and I was then asked to attend a 'faculty meeting'every so often with my head of faculty and other students. However, in my secondyear I am part of a small group of around 10 students in the year who are the'executive'. My role is Environmental Officer, something I am proud to berepresenting and passionate about as it is a problem which is being discussedglobally and I am happy to do my bit to help. At college and school Iparticipated in Open Evenings. I then proceeded to help on a 'Welcome to CollegeDay,' speaking to students about the benefits of taking Sign Language as part ofa Enrichment course and then advertised the student council whilst guiding newstudents.

  One of my main strengths is Sign Language. I began a course with CACDP inyear 12, sustaining a qualification of Level 1 in BSL. As a form of workexperience, I will be helping students this year with their Level 1 studies.Overall, I am a committed and reliable student with passion about education.Taster days at universities (Warwick, Oxford and Birmingham) made me certainthat university is the ideal environment for me to enhance my studies. I feelthis course will lead me to success. After Higher Education, I plan to studypsychology further and become a teacher of Psychology in colleges, hopefullygiving students the chance to share my keen interest in Psychology.

  Yours sincerely,












  Dear x,

  During my first consulting project, I was asked to construct a sales planfor an insurance company. The first step was to meet Adam, the director ofsales, to discuss forecasting assumptions. A list of questions in hand, Iknocked on the door. To my surprise, Adam was very formal in his reception. Hedid not understand why we were meeting, so I explained that I would be creatingsales plans. At that point, he became outright hostile, he barked out hisnonanswer to my questions and informed me he was very busy preparing salesplans. Before I could suggest cooperation, I was ushered out, and the doorslammed behind me. Too shocked to react to the secretary's condescending smirk,I attempted to grasp why a textbook opportunity for teamwork became such aspectacular failure. What had I done to attract such hostility? I had justwanted to help. I called my engagement manager to complain, but he just accusedme of handling the situation poorly. I was crushed and convinced that I was notcut out for consulting.

  To this day, I am not sure why Adam was so hostile. Retrospectively, I canonly guess that he was insulted and threatened, because no one had formallyrequested his assistance. Instead, a twenty-two-year-old appeared in his office,ready to perform one of his most challenging tasks.

  Adam and I never became friends, but the incident profoundly affected theway I communicate. Now, every time I interview a client, I begin by exploringand allaying any fears the person might have. I explain the project's rationaleand seek a frank reaction. The rapport thus established makes the intervieweescomfortable enough to share private opinions. This very human interaction notonly secures me with quick yet profound insights, but also relationships thatoften far outlast consulting project.

  Yours sincerely,









  Dear x,

  This document is being submitted in support of my application for admissioninto your program。

  Born in June x, I grew up in Lanzhou, a city that boasts of a history ofthousands of years and a cultural heritage that is as colorful as it is old。 Fewcities, either in China or beyond, can match it in the richness of architecturalstyles。 Stradding the upper Yellow River that sired the Chinese civilization,Lanzhou prides itself in both her past glory laden in the ancient structures onthe north bank and her new found prosperity oozing out of the dazzlinghigh—rises in the south。 Although, as a child, I was not always able toarticulate my admiration for such striking contrast, I constantly beheld thecity's landscape in awe。 I began to understand, at that young age, thatarchitecture can be a powerful symbol of culture, a people and the spirit of anera。

  My first intellectual mentor, one of my parents' best friends, was anartist seasoned in oil painting and photography。 She often brought me with herwhen she traveled, and it was on these trips that her creative mind worked infull gear。 I thus observed how human hands could work wonders by recreating thebeauty of natural scenery in the form of sketches, paintings and photos。 Whatwas more important, I got to know that there are professions of creative workthat calls for imagination and craftsmanship。

  Fervent with creative art and fascinated with architectural design, Ientered in 1992 into the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University,China's top engineering school, on the strength of my outstanding performance inthe highly competitive National University Entrance Examinations。

  At Tsinghua, I went through five years of vigorous training and thusacquired exquisite skills in drawing and design。 Since I understood from earlychildhood that inspiration often comes from nature, I traveled far and widethroughout China's vast territory, setting my foot even in outlying Tibet andXingjiang, both in the country's westernmost interior。 These travels allowed meto trace modern China's culture to its different sources, and the variety notonly deeply impressed me but also fired my imagination。 In my graduationproject, Cashi Contemporary Art Museum in Xinjiang, I successfully blended anatural environment into my artistic design by using a system of watercirculation to support and sustain the building。 As the most significantresource in an agricultural enclave surrounded by desert, water represents hopefor both the people and their land。 With the water circulation system, thebuilding took on added vitality。

  In mid—, I graduated with my B。 S。 and took a job as a designer withthe Beijing—based “company。” My career as an architect thus took off。

  Once I have settled into the real world of architectural design, Ideveloped my career path quickly, playing substantial roles in a stream ofprojects。 To date, my most significant responsibility has been to work as a maindesigner in (a key state) project, in which I led a group of my colleagues inmeeting a daunting challenge。 In addition to gaining a profound understanding ofthe technical difficulties necessarily attendant to such large—scale projects, Ilearned to work effectively within a team that also included my clients andcolleagues。 The teamwork thus not only strengthened my professional competenceat conceptual and technical design but also honed my leadership skills that canbe put to good use in other situations。 As a result, I now feel even moreconfident of myself than I was before。

  My experience in general, and the six years of frequent traveling inparticular, has left an indelible mark on my intellectual development。 As I cannow readily appreciate a society's cultural, historical and socio—politicalimpact on its architectural styles, I now try to reflect my own cultural andsocial background in my own designs。 These days, I view architecture not just asa career but, more importantly, as an expression of my professional progress,and I fell that it is an view more compatible with Western rather than Chinesepedagogy。 In any case, I have already been through China's best school forarchitectural studies, and I am convince that the further development of myprofessional qualifications requires more advanced training in a school likeyours。 I believe that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will endowme with a broader vision and more profound insights, with which I can make stillmore contribution to my motherland China。

  Yours sincerely,










  2、 在自己現(xiàn)有的水平之上進(jìn)一步提高日語(yǔ)水平,彌補(bǔ)在與日本人交流時(shí)的不足。

  3、 學(xué)習(xí)日本先進(jìn)的科學(xué)技術(shù)知識(shí)(結(jié)合將來(lái)欲進(jìn)學(xué)的學(xué)科),為將來(lái)的工作打好基礎(chǔ)。







  2、 回國(guó)工作的同時(shí)傳播日本的文化,為中日友好做貢獻(xiàn)。



  1、 幾年來(lái)工作的積蓄。(在職證明書(shū)、年收證明書(shū))









  Dear ,

  My most important aim for the next few years is to further my studies ofHistory. Studying the subject at GCSE and A Level has extended my interest inSocial and European History, and how this relates to world History. The subjecthas enhanced my understanding and interest of current affairs and contemporaryissues, which I enjoy following closely. As a student of History, I aim toextend my analytical and presentational skills. Once given an area to study, Ilike to research independently, but also working with others. My time at SixthForm College has enabled me to improve my reliability, punctuality and abilityto work individually, while coping with the demands of exams and deadlines. TheAS levels I selected; English, Geography, History and Politics complemented eachother well, enabling me to use the knowledge of one subject to develop myunderstanding of another. They have also extended my abilities in research,essay and report writing. My AS results proved pleasing, after analysing myresults, they have given me realistic targets for the year ahead. I haveevaluated my progress of my first year in order to find weaknesses in exam andstudy technique and I am working on these for a hopefully successful outcome forthe years ahead.

  In addition to my academic studies, I have achieved qualifications in firstaid, and I feel confident to administer first aid in unlikely situations. Overthe past two years, I have helped with a youth holiday scheme connected with myChurch where I had responsibility for looking after and helping children. In myspare time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books, and travelling to see many partsof the country. My Duke of Edinburgh award scheme enabled me to deal effectivelywith decision making within a group.

  Out of College, a part-time job at a newsagent, over the past two years hasgiven me responsibilities such as dealing with customers, stock and largeamounts of money, and also being organised and punctual. At my secondary school,I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that there were student issuesthat needed to be dealt with. Other responsible positions I have held are bothprefect, and fifth year representative at my previous school, and formrepresentative on the student council at my present college. Work experience atan Estate Agent in Cambridge gave me good experience of working in a city andcommuting, and also insight into an area of business. I hope to travel and workat an orphanage near to Jakarta, which I have maintained links with, and also toNew Zealand. My career prospects are left open for now, but I do have interestsin research and education.

  My main priority for now is to complete my A Levels to the best of myability and to go on to University, not just for the degree but for the entireexperience it has to offer and I look forward to moving on, learning and meetingnew people.

  Yours sincerely,


Dear xx,

  Ever since my little sister became a teenager and started going through herrebellious phrase I just haven't been able to help myself from analysing herbehaviour. Although she grew out of her moody phase my interest in Psychologydidn't change and I find that I regularly am examining the behaviour ofdifferent members of my family. Psychological and social theories and analyseshave become a feature of my life, whether it is at home or the outside world.Having gained a good grounding in Psychology during my time at school andcollege I realise that this is not enough and that there is so much more for meto appreciate and understand.

  The A level Psychology syllabus has confirmed my commitment to Psychology,and encouraged me to challenge and expand upon my perceptions of the subject.The diversity of developmental and cognitive thought I have discovered, in JeanPiaget’s experiments for instance, has made me curious, and led me to researchexperiments including Margaret Donaldson’s ‘Children’s Minds’ which drew myattention to the social context in which a child learns and the child’sunderstanding of that context. What is most intriguing is the fact that childrenare actively working out what the experimenter wants and may well misjudge thesituation through no fault of their own which contradicts Piaget’s theory onConservation.

  I feel the A-Levels I study have a number of transferable skills andcomplects in aiding the study of Psychology. I enjoy Economics because we lookat the real cost of making choices and also I have learnt how concepts andtheories provide a tool to help me understand how economies work and develop. Ihave found Adam Smiths theory on ‘Invisible Hand’ most striking because itfocuses on the ideas of capitalism, a person pursuing self-interest will resultin an increase in the common good. Studying Law has given me an insight into thefundamentals that make up our English Legal System and has helped me realisethat the rule of law is crucial in providing a basis for trust andpredictability. Both these subjects have taught me to develop my analytical andevaluative skills, and also problem solving skills. I believe all the qualitiesI have gained through my courses are essential in order to strengthen mycompetence.

  In my spare time, I take pleasure in reading be it short stories or neverending novels. I enjoy playing badminton and tennis: being a member of my localtennis club has enabled me to interact with other people who share similarinterests. Something which I find significant is the belief that every one of uscan make the world a better place be it by helping others. As someone pointedout “We have two hands, one to help yourself the second to help others”. I ambeen fortunate to take part in charitable events raising money for organisationsranging from Breast Cancer to Aids. My remaining free time goes in working as asales adviser. The retail experience has given me a great insight in to myinterpersonal skills and taught me how to deal with a various range ofsituations efficiently I would be an asset to your university and am veryenthusiastic about my subjects. The course you offer will broaden my knowledge,satisfy my curiosity and deepen my understanding; I am very determined andthoughtful, and would find the course you offer highly motivating

  Yours sincerely,











































  親愛(ài)な _、

  時(shí)間を割いて私の手紙を読んでいただけるととてもありがたいです。私は、中國(guó)のトップ 10大學(xué)の 1 つである _ の中國(guó)人學(xué)部生で、20年に卒業(yè)します。その後、フランスで修士號(hào)を取得して教育を続けたいと考えています。私は今_の部署にいます。

  私の主な関心は國(guó)際商取引で、essec がその分野のトップにいることに気付いたので、私は自分自身を奮い立たせて參入することにしました。あなたの「異文化間リレーションシップマーケティング」の研究、特に中國(guó)のビジネスに関する出版物も同様です。東南アジアとして、私は特に興味があります。そして、私のキャリアの中でヨーロッパと中國(guó)の間のビジネスを扱いたいと思っています。それが私があなたのテーマへのエントリーを求める理由です。

  大學(xué)時(shí)代、私はチーム環(huán)境で働くことに慣れていました。たとえば、私は學(xué)生自治會(huì)の事務(wù)次官を務(wù)め、大學(xué)では競(jìng)技會(huì)と一緒に活動(dòng)を組織し、計(jì)畫しました。優(yōu)秀な仕事のために、私は娯楽と體育活動(dòng)のための奨學(xué)金を得ました。大學(xué)の英語(yǔ)テスト4 と 6 に合格した後、私は昨年フランス語(yǔ)を?qū)Wぶようになり、TCF で 463のスコアを獲得しました。私は現(xiàn)在、IELTSの準(zhǔn)備をしています。essecで修士號(hào)を取得するためにgmatが必要な場(chǎng)合は、IELTSテストの後にテストを受けます。







  我們都聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)都市傳奇。一個(gè)女孩將旅游時(shí)穿的人字拖交上去了;一個(gè)男孩因?yàn)樵谕铺厣险故玖怂麨槊芪鞲氢祵懙脑?shī),而失去了讀密歇根大學(xué)的機(jī)會(huì)……這樣“八仙過(guò)海,各顯神通”的大神比比皆是。不過(guò),你要知道,關(guān)鍵詞是“He’s Just NotT hat Into You”,人家對(duì)你不感冒,你怎么做都無(wú)濟(jì)于事的。記。哼@是特例,可不是規(guī)則。



















  Dear xxx,I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Case Western ReserveUniversity with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, andprotein crystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being anundergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University,I got very extensive and intensive education. I took many courses on chemistryand the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, mymajor, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs becausePolymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have workingexperience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.

  From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by theResearch institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC)。 In thefirst year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization ofCarboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I was transferred to another researchgroup to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has theproperty of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can preparethe novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litrestainless steel reactor. During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%;this made my leader very satisfied.

  More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I oftenmake use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Amongthem, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problemsof Engineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computeroperation and some application software. The above information about myspecialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.

  It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope toenter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I amconfident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduatestudy, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge toserve the people.

  By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their oldestson, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forgetthe 18-years life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years inShengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, andperseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I am also indebted tomy dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years,I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case W.

  Yours sincerely,xxx










  xxxx年x月下旬、中國(guó)からの私M留學(xué)生の一Tとして日本にやってきました。 xxxx年x月、xx大學(xué)大學(xué)院xx學(xué)xx科の研究生になりまして、同月、xxxx年大學(xué)院生募集のYを參加し、合格しました。

  とても嬉しいことですが、入學(xué)手Aき要Iをiんだ後、少し躉螭い莩證瀝摔 なってしまいました。


  去年、XX大學(xué)で半年gの研究生をやりました。授I料は3、4萬(wàn)頁(yè)潭趣勝韋、蔍料をo事にBいましたが、大學(xué)院のYに念に浹扦毪郡幛衰毳嘯ぅ趣頦浹幛郡韋恰⑹I料以外の生活Mはほとんどが國(guó)のIHと在日H族からの援助金です。しかし、家庭事情の浠摔瑜盲啤長(zhǎng)欷槨未 學(xué)院の學(xué)Mは家庭や人にmれなくなりました。

  母Hは3年前病荬扦工扦送寺になり、毪勝⒏贛Hもまもなく定年になります。主人は去年の12月中國(guó)で就したばかりので、毪戲淺¥說(shuō)亭い扦埂って、今回大學(xué)院の授I料のBことはもうlにも口をあけることをしたくなく、自分の力でBるしかいと思います。これから自分の研究n}をMめながらできるだけ自分のI手で自分を支えたいです。でも、今の段Aお金がないのも事g、真に考えて工夫しければ なりません。

  入學(xué)のr、X學(xué)金についてのガイダンスを受けました。幸い、名古屋外國(guó)Z大學(xué)は留學(xué)生向けのX學(xué)金がOけされていて、私にとって、本當(dāng)にありがたいことです。もし、これがS可されたら、大浹手轆摔勝轆蓼。ゐT筏啤⑷氈兢o事に學(xué)Iと自分の將來(lái)に簸 果たせるよう念します。どうぞ、よろしくおいします。









