Dear _,
The subjects of maths and physics have always fascinated me and I knew veryearly on that I wanted to pursue a career that involves science. As I progressedthrough school I found that I was much more interested in the application of thetheory rather than the theory itself, and this is why I would like to studyelectronic engineering. I enjoy physics particularity as it can be observed inevery aspect of life. From apples falling from trees to lightning, physicsexplains how the world works, and engineers throughout history have used theirknowledge of physics to overcome problems that they face. The Romans builtaqueducts to supply their cities with water; William Thomson helped lay thetransatlantic telegraph cables that made communication between Europe and theAmericas viable.
I also studied Advanced Higher Music last year at school. I am veryinterested in the use of electronics in music, and I wrote a project on thephysics of the electric guitar. This interest prompted me to spend a week ofwork experience at Wolfson Microelectronics, a local company that engineerintegrated circuits for many high profile audio equipment firms. During my stayI was assigned the task of designing and assembling a circuit to investigate thevoltage offset and noise created by an operational amplifier. I was alsointroduced to a silicon microphone, a development which is sure to besignificant in the future of electronics, and introduced to all the main stagesin the development of a microchip, from design to failure analysis. Myforthcoming Advanced Higher Physics investigation will be concerned with theproperties of op-amps, the variables that affect these properties, and theirapplications.
In June, I attended a week-long Headstart course held at the University ofCambridge. We were given a task to assemble and programme a robot to navigate acourse, using both dead-reckoning and sensors; I was part of the winning team.The course was thoroughly enjoyable and confirmed that engineering was thesubject for me. I have applied to spend my gap year working in the engineeringindustry, through the Year in Industry scheme. I hope that I will gaininvaluable experience of the industry in which I would like to build my careerin, and this will no doubt help me understand better how what I learn atuniversity relates to real-world applications.
I play the violin, guitar and bagpipes all to a high standard. I am a firstviolin in the main school orchestra and the chamber orchestra, lead guitar inthe school "Rhythm and Blues" band and a senior member of the pipe band. I holdthe rank of Corporal in my school cadet force, and I am a young leader at myScout troop. Balancing these numerous extra-curricular activities with myacademic work has forced me to develop my time management skills. My involvementin both cadets and Scouts has also greatly added to my team working andleadership skills. I was the leader of the team that won the Edinburgh AreaScout camping competition in 20xx, and we finished in the top 5 in the country.Currently, I am working towards both my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award and myQueen's Scout award.
I also have a keen interest in computers, assembling my first at the age oftwelve, and I am currently teaching myself Mandarin Chinese, something that Iwould like to continue studying throughout university and a skill that I believewill be very useful in the future, especially in the electronics industry. Ikeep up to date with the latest scientific news in by reading both PhysicsReview and New Scientist.
I believe that studying electronic engineering is the best way for me toapply my accumulated knowledge of maths and physics and I look forward to acareer that will constantly present me with new challenges.
Yours sincerely,