1. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. RҪҊ(jin)㣬Ҹd
2. A dap and dip (g)棬¶Ę
Matt: Are we going to Jon’s party?҂?ni)ľە?hu)?
Darryl: Yeah, but I don’t want to stay long, so let’s make it a dap and dip.Ǿȥɣ^(gu)ҿɲ픶ʹ(g)
3.Hold on һ (Z(y)˂̫wait a minute)qՓ̧ܣҪ?jing)e“ס”f(shu)hold it right there.
4. I hate his guts. ӑҲf(shu)I hate him guts. Guts cஔ(dng)“֮”˼He doesn’t have many guts. ǂ(g)đС ut feeling ֱX(ju)
5 Nuts, ˣ(f)(sh)r(sh)“”He is nuts(jng)He went nuts and killed a guy.l(f)Y(ji)һ(g)ˡYou are driving me nuts. ҪұƯa tough nut to crack, һ(xing)D΄(w)һ(g)y֮}
6. How is everything? (߀Æ?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (ÿ춼ǸͬӵĻQ(g)) rut ճÿ춼ˣget in a rutՏ(f)һգ
7. I have totally sold out to your idea. 100%ٝͬٝͬҊ(jin)ƵԒ߀If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 㲻СĵԒ͕(hu)ɼ{@t⡣
8. I would like to get a job within couching distance. ҂(g)·ͿϰĹCouching distance,ɳl(f)xɳl(f)ϲҲ܉@ǷN couch potatoϲg(mng)
9. Yukky yf(shu)@(g)~r(sh)߀Ҫһ(g)yԵıWhere did you get this food? It was yukky. Ū@Ե?ôyԡ
10. cyukky෴~yummyóԘOˡf(shu)@(g)~r(sh)ҪȻͰһҪȻf(shu)ɴʾϲg@ˡ
11 I cannot take it any more.Ҳo(w)ǰ߀Լһ䣺don’t push me. Ҫٱѽ ͬ˼ľ߀УI cannot stand him any longer.
12 Don’t take it out on me! Ҫњ
13 You have my word. 㱣C(@)
14 Look, I have to got going. @߀øɻ(߀s·)@˸of(shu)
15 You’re talking crazy. Mஔ(dng)you talk nonsense֮⡣ Z(y)Ͽ~ڄ(dng)~ǺҎ(gu)˼Ҷ@ôf(shu)ҲͿԌˡ
16 I don’t mean to cross the line. ֱg“ҲԽ”@Ԓ˼ҲeѽֻS㆖(wn)(wn)“I don’t mean to cross the line, is she your new girl friend ?”
17 Thank you for .....(the tea, and so on), and everything else. xx(ˮ)Լһ(dng)˵xr(sh)һֻһwֽ˲ֹһ(xing)ĺ̎ͼһ and everything else@ӾͲ(hu)©xʲô
18 I won’t take that crap.ҲŲ(hu)ԒҲf(shu)I won’t buy that beef.ͬӵ˼
19 Calm down. Ҫ(dng)ò?
20 sick you make me sick. Ґ People do sick things to young girls nowadays. F(xin)ڿˌ(du)СŮЩĵ He is sick. sickһ~ú˼“ː”ò˼ֻ“” ҪСġ
21 You look concerned. What’s on your mind 㿴ȥc(din)˼ړ(dn)ʲô?
22 I’ve got to quiet down and get focused. ԓo(li)ע
23 I know he has the blues(He is feeling very down!), but it doesn’t mean he can vent his anger on me. ֪鲻Ҳܰњl(f)ѽthe blues 鲻ãIf a girl is sad, an ice-cream cone can normally chase the blues away. Ů鲻õԒoһ(g)͕(hu)D(zhun)ޞЦˡҲf(shu)an ice-cream cone can normally help shake off the blues.
24 I’m up to my neck in work.@Ԓ˼I am quite busy. ̫æ@æÕ^D(zhun)I have got a pretty tight schedule today. ҽճ̰ŵúܾo
25 Easy! c(din);ҪԼ;pһc(din);Ҳf(shu)Go easy. Go easy on it(ʡc(din)). Easy-going, ̎She is caring and easy-going.
26 Crush ԭ“”F(xin)ָ“”ֳָǷN(i)(wn)СŮ(du)ώĐ(i)^(gu)һꇾ͟ɢPeter has a crush on Jenny.
27 Ask somebody out c˼s(hu)Մِ(i)He doesn’t have the guts to ask her out because he is afraid she will turn him down. ҸV(i)?yn)?hu)ľܽ^Ƶg(sh)o out with somebody: I heard you’re going out with Jane. (tng)f(shu)cJaneՄِ(i)
28 Mr. Right: RHe’s gentle, patient, successful, and MATURE. I think He’s my Mr. Right! wNɹֳ֪ҵ(δ(li)ɷĪ;Ҳf(shu))(Rӵһ(g)f(shu)prince charming)
29 Jack (du)Johnf(shu)cEstherݰ(I just broke up with Esther.)John οJackf(shu), I don’t know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you’ll find your soul mate, your perfect match!
30 My relationship with her is already history.cP(gun)ϵѳɚvʷ
31 ҂ٝP(yng)ͯr(sh)õԒУIsn’t he cute He is so cute. He is adorable. Beautiful baby! һɚqСr(sh)˂f(shu)Peek-a-boo, I see you.oСf(shu)Ҋ(jin)See you later, alligator!
32.Let us keep it that way. ߀ԭӰ@ôk
33.Can you drop it? ܲܲՄ@?
34.What is in it for me (you)?ɂ(g)Մ㿴˰nj(du)Ϳf(shu)@Ԓˣҵĺ̎?Ҳf(shu)Where is my cut?
35. ˟o(w)Ϳf(shu)Get a job. ȥc(din)°
36.No need to panic. Don’t panicҪŏ
37.You made your point. ^c(din)(Ҋ(jin))ߣI heard you.
38.You are nasty. ǿɐnasty weather; a nasty trick nastyǂ(g)~ʾ
39.Stay cool, man. ౣءஔ(dng)Take care.
40.That is a wishful thinking. Ҳf(shu)day dreamՉ(mng)You are day dreaming. "He lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"