My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.
@Ȼ@ڻZ(y)Y(ji)(gu)һ(g)e(cu)`@(hu)ʹӮa(chn)xyf(shu)My teacher gave interesting and motivating assignments to the students? ?yn)鱾?interestingmotivating ƽнY(ji)(gu). My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivated the students? ?yn)gave motivatedƽнY(ji)(gu).e(cu)`ʹZ(y)(hu)(li)S벻韩
My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignment was on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had all done the assignment.(sh)@Ԓ(hu)^c(din)(hu)҂؏(f)~Q_(d)Ԓ(hu)҂?c)ف?li)M(jn)ı_(d)
My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased the board after we had all completed the task.
assignment Q task; teacher ׃?yu)she; chalkboard Ğboard. @ø(dng)̰ϢҲԭ(li)Ҫ
Ώ(qing){(dio)^(gu)f(shu)Z(y)r(sh)ǧf(wn)Ҫעr(sh)B(ti)˷Q(chng)͔(sh)Ľy(tng)һ@Щoral slipssЇ(gu)W(xu)׳F(xin)Ć(wn)}ͬr(sh)@Щ(wn)}(hu) (tng)Ϳ㾿Ҫ_(d)ķN˼һ(g)ӣ
My teacher brought five paper bags to school one day. He put us into groups and gave each group a bag. You have to take the objects out of the bags in turn and then a person has to tell a story involving the object from the bag.
One day my teacher put us into five different groups. He gave each group a bag and told us to take turns pulling out an object and telling the other members of the group a story involving that object.