

l(f)rg:2017-05-04 ݋:



[] Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of livingbiological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.

[g] ķԇDӋض^(q)~NČ(sh)H(N(sh))Srg׃

[] The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.

[] "The test of any democratic society," he wrote in a Wall Street Journalcolumn, "lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.

[g] ڡAՈ󡷵һЌ“κęz(yn)ܶõؿՓı_(d)Ƿx˼ͱ_(d)ɱM܌ɵ޶ܽY(ji)ЕrǶôРh˲

[] Acomparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper.

2"there be..."Ĺ̶ʽ

[] And there are long, variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy.

[g] ߸׃(jng)(j)a(chn)κӰ֮ǰLrgġ׃oĜڡ

[] And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with sub-millimeter accuracy - far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone.


(1)"it is... that..."Ĺ̶ʽ

[] Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.

[g] ҲSLڳܺˮ͸ɺµĥʹ{Sˮ뷨؄e˰V

(2)"it is…who…”Ĺ̶ʽ

[] It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town's revenuebecause they spend the night (some of them four or five nights) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants.

[] In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have given up onambition as an ideal.

[g] Ȼֵ@Щ^˂Qѽ(jng)ŗĉ־



[] Visualize how you would like it to end instead; the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course.

[] Often it is the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.

[g] ͨfԒķʽʹ l(f)ЦfһЩӛסP(yng)P(yng)üëʹһNoŵ鶼˂@ʾfЦԒ


[] Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat.

[] Light up stove and you could burn down the house.

5"...so that... ”Ĺ̶ʽ

[] If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural, include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner.

[g] Ĭrе܄eŤ㑪(yng)ԓM(jn)о(x)ԱĬ׃øȻһЩSĿȥǼdԒ܉pɵķʽf

[] In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices thanin the past. (2002-3-3)


[] With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.

