ON DECEMBER 6th the largest storm surge since1953 hit Britain's coasts, flooding 1,400 houses. The fact that only two people died—comparedwith 326 in the earlier storm—is testament to the tidal barriers built in Britain over the past fewdecades. Yet the system that created many of those sea defences, and encouraged people tokeep living in flood-prone areas, is being abandoned.
Since the 1960s the government has paid to build flood defences while insisting that insurerscover most properties in flood-prone areas. This arrangement has gradually become acasualty of austerity and climate change. Spending on flood defences fell from629m ($972m)to 510m between 2010 and 2012. Simply repairing existing defences would cost 1 billion peryear by 2035. New flood defences will be subject to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis, withmore land in effect surrendered to the sea. The last agreement with the insurance industrycame to an end this July.
In place of the old system, the government has proposed shifting the costs of flooding ontohomeowners. All households taking out insurance will now pay a 10.50 levy to Flood Re, anot-for-profit fund, to subsidise premiums for 500,000 houses in flood-prone areas.
The new scheme is patchy. Whereas the old agreement covered all properties with no worsethan a 1-in-75 annual risk of flooding, the new scheme will exclude many. Houses in the topcouncil-tax band and businesses will not be allowed to join the scheme. Houses built since2009 will also not be covered (28,000 were planned to be built on floodplains in 2011 alone). Ifproperties flood too often they will be thrown out of the scheme. MPs in flood-prone placessuch as Hull are not happy.
Worse, Flood Re's sums do not yet add up. One government study suggested that the fundhas a 58% chance of running out of money in the initial 20 years the scheme is to run for.Some fear that the state may find itself spending some of the money saved by building fewerdefences on topping the scheme up.
The housing market seems already to be pricing in higher risk. Between 2008 and 2012property prices rose in four out of the five Lincolnshire postcodes with the lowest flood risk.They fell in four out of the five areas of highest risk (see chart). This may have some goodeffects. Forcing homeowners to shoulder more of the costs of flooding should encouragethem to invest in precautions and discourage builders from erecting houses in risky areas. Butin the meantime, in low-lying parts of Britain, wellington boots and sandbags may make wiserinvestments than houses.