Why your child did not please the home improvement? Tutor as a result of society has led to the proliferation of agents of two adverse consequences.
First, the majority of parents can not find satisfaction with the tutor teacher, and also spent a lot of money. To pay the cost of some at home and so on, the results are not news for a long time; or free distribution of the registration of an intermediary company tutor teachers, but teachers can not help if the tutor is intended parents. And so the phenomenon of wasting valuable time parents do not talk also delayed the progress of the children's learning.
Second, the majority of students are often part-time jobs to pay an intermediary fee information, or sunset on the results of盼到or杳無音訊countless times. Information, or to go with a class, often with the intermediary gave replace soon, parents are not satisfied with the name you said, in essence, is that they received too many students without the intermediary charges the distribution of posts.
These results lead to the reason for this is the company by the intermediary from the separation of teaching and learning, they profit from. To this end the University of XX students spontaneously organized their own home an "intermediary" in good faith for those who are in need of counseling師弟師妹think. We are committed not to charge parents收授, door service, door-to-door for teachers to send parents home assessment, if not satisfied with the replacement at any time.
Home tips:
Your child find a tutor rather than a teacher to find another "control" him, but there have been looking for a friend going through the same experience each other. As part of our college students to the students a better understanding of the psychological, in which there is no lack of counseling students have embarked on the case of universities.
We have chosen the same for your child to choose a better tomorrow!
感謝您在百忙之中閱讀我的 求職 自薦書 。我是遼寧工學院2001級 英語 專業(yè)語言文化傾向的學生,將于今年7月畢業(yè)。
由于出身教師之家,是我從小就受到了良好的家庭教育,而且對于教師事業(yè)始終充滿著極大的熱情,殷切地期望能夠在您的領導下,為這一光榮而偉大的事業(yè)舔磚加瓦,并且在實踐中不斷學習、進步。 誠實正直、勤勞務實是我的原則,多年來的求學生涯使我形成了優(yōu)良的處事作風和先進的思想觀念,并有了獨特的思維方式、和諧的人際關系。大學生活又進一步強化了我的文化知識修養(yǎng),并塑造了良好的心理素質,切實我具備了腳踏實地的作風和規(guī)范自我的做人原則。工欲善其事,必先利其器。
在師友的嚴格教益及個人努力下,我具備了扎實的專業(yè)基礎知識,掌握了多項技能。在每學期的各項考試中都取得了優(yōu)異的成績,并于 2003年9月一次性通過 英語 專業(yè)四級考試,取得較好成績,能自如運用計算機軟件,熟悉WORD、EXCEL等辦公軟件。積極參加學校、系組織的各項活動,在校運動會上多次取得佳績。 同時,我很注重對自己各方面素質、能力地培養(yǎng),積極參加各種社會活動,抓住機遇,鍛煉自己。
平日,我利用課余時間從事家教工作,迄今已三年整,也曾在旅行社作簡直導游員,并得到廣泛贊譽,假期期間曾獨自辦 英語 培訓班。因此,擁有大量的教授經(jīng)驗和一定的社會實踐能力。又由于對語言、文學的熱愛,在 日語 的學習中也略有建樹。 近得知,貴校在短短幾年內從眾多省、市明校中脫穎而出,決非偶然,而是憑借領導高卓的遠見及教職員工們強大的凝聚力,這是青年人鍛煉和發(fā)揮才能的時機、好的場所
隨信附上個人 求職 簡歷 ,盼面談!