- P]
ɂȵΌw two equal political entities
ɂһץ place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
ɕ two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference)
ZʳLU grain risk fund
Zʳͨw grain distribution system
ZʳُT (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
Zʳa(chn)^(q) major grain producing areas
ץֶҪӲ grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient importance to both
˼(¸˼Դ˼M) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
ɗl· walking on two legs
^gС be small at both ends and big in the middle; a few at each extreme and many in between
pose; state one's view
ѭh(hun) virtuous circle
(zhn) the Iran-Iraq War
ZPϵ grain and oil rationing registration
ԺԺʿ academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering
߲ɼ You cannot eat your cake and have it.
W quantum mechanics
ɰPϵ relations across the Taiwan Straits
(lin) joint account
Bi(jng)I chain-store operations
Bw conjoined twin sisters
ЧʳƷ remedy diet
S־ Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio
ӵƷ shoddy goods; substandard goods; lemon (informal)
C^˾ head-hunting company
ϯh attend a conference without voting rights
Rr˹̹ provisional Palestinian state
Rr temporary worker
Rr temporary licence
Rr̾ caretaker coach
I territorial waters
Ͳ zero-sum game; zero game
a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend
y(tng) alternative music
spare and accessory parts
t make a fresh start
`Ɍ agile missile
(h)ۃr (suggested)retail price
I^ bellwether
Iw territorial entitlement
I territorial integrity
нI new-collar workers
Z mobile criminal
ɽڣ] "Where there is life, there is hope."
ӷ mobile service
1. accident5AksidEnt n. ¹,
2. adventureEd5ventFE n. ðU;
3. advertisementEd5vE:tismEnt n. V
4. ambulance5AmbjulEns n. o܇
5. anxious5ANkFEsa. n],
6. apologizeE5pClEdVaiz vi. Ǹ,x
7. appearanceE5piErEns n. F(xin),¶;ò
8. appointmentE5pCintmEnt n. s
9. appreciate E5pri:Fieitv. p; м
10. audience5C:djEnsn. ^,
11. average5AvEridV a. ƽ;ͨ n. ƽ(sh)
12. baggage5bA^idVn.
13. bamboobAm5bu: n.
14. beard biEdn. (°ϵ)
15. behaviour bi5heivjEn. О,eֹ
16. blame bleimn.& v. ؟; ؟
17. bleed bli:dvi. Ѫ,Ѫ
18. telephone boothԒͤ
19. boring 5bC:riNa. ζ,oĵ
20. breathebri:Tvi.
21. broadcast5brC:dkB:st(broadcast, broadcast)vt. V
22. businessman 5bIznIsmEnn. ;I(y)
23. camera 5kAmErEn. C;zC
24. candle5kAndln. ϞT
25. carrot5kArEt n.}
26. ceiling5si:liN n. 컨,
27. celebrate5selibreit v. cף
28. centigrade 5senti^reida. zϵ'
29. century5sentFuri, -tFEri n. o,
30. certificatesE5tifikit n. C,C
31. chain store(s)Bi
32. cheektFi:k n. a,Ę
33. chemistry 5kemistrin. W
34. circle5sE:kl n. vt. AȦ Ȧ
35. classical5klAsikEl a. y(tng);ŵ
36. climate 5klaimitn.
37. clinic5klinik n. \
38. college5kClidVn. WԺ;ƌWУ
39. comfortable5kQmfEtEbla. ;ݵ;ڵ
40. comment 5kCment n. uՓ
41. communicate kE5mju:nikeit v. H;_(,Ϣ)
42. comparekEm5pZE vt. ^,
43. composition kCmpE5ziFEnn. ;
44. conceitedkEn5si:tida. ԝM
45. condition kEn5diFEnn. l,r
46. conference 5kCnfErEnsn.(ʽ)h;ӑՓ
47. congratulatekEn5^rAtjuleitvt. ףR
48. contentkEn5tent a. Ը,M n. (ni)
49. convenientkEn5vi:njEnt a. ,
50. counter5kauntE n. _,Y~̎
51. countryside 5kQntrisaid n. l(xing),r(nng)
52. cousin5kQzn n. ()ֵ,()
53. crazy 5kreizia.
54. crowded 5kraudida. D
55. curious5kjuEriEs a. ;殐
56. daily5deilia. ÿյ;ճ ad. ÿ n. Ո
57. damage5dAmidVn.& vt. ,p
58. dampdAmpa. & n. ()
59. dangerous5deindVrEsa. ΣU
60. daughter 5dC:tEn. Ů
61. dawndC:nn. ,
62. deadline5dedlainn.,ֹ
63. Decemberdi5sembE n. 12
64. delicious di5liFEsa. ζ,ɿڵ
65. deliver di5livEvt. Ͷf(ż,])
66. dentist 5dentistn. t(y)
ӢZ ~R07-18