- P(gun)]
It’s up to you. Q
The line is engaged. ռ
My hands are full right now. ҬF(xin)ںæ
Don’t make up a story. Ҫ
She make a mess of things. һͿ
Get an eyeful.
He has a quick eye. ۾J
Shoot the breeze. eՄ
Why so blue? ô^ʚ?
What brought you here? ʲôL㴵?
I might hear a pin drop. dzo
Is that so? @ӆ?
He is a fast talker. ǂţ
I’ll get even with him one day. ҿһƽ
She’s got quite a wad. Ѿ
I don’t have anywhere to go. ]طȥ
I’m dying to see you. ҺҊ㡣
Nothing tricky. eС
None of you keyhole. ͵
Come on, be reasonable. ˣôv
You don’t say so. δذɣ@Ӱ
Don’t get me wrong. e`
You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. 쿴š
Do you have any money on you? ώXˆ?
Dinner is on me. Ո
Not precisely! Ҋãһ!
We have no way out. ҂]k
I hate to be late and keep my date waiting. Ҳϲgte˾õ
It doesn’t take much of you time. @örg
Not in the long run. Lhf@ӵ
You ask for it! ԓ!
Don’t get loaded. eˡ
Don’t get high hat. e[
Right over there.
That rings a bell.
Sleeping on both ears. ˯㡣
Play hooky. 繤n
I am the one wearing pants in the house. Ү
It’s up in the air. δ_
You have my ears. ϴ
Get cold feet. ij
Good for you! ĺܰ!
Help me out. ͎ҡ
Let’s bag it. ȰRһ߅
Lose one’s mind. ʧ
Talk truly. Ԓֱf
He is the pain on neck. ӑ
You bet it! Ȼ!
That is a boy! ̫ˣØO!
Chin up. Щ
You never know. y
High jack! eց()!
She’ll be along in a few minutes. Rϕ^