摘要:隨著 20 世紀中后期教師教育在世界范圍內的迅速發(fā)展,很多發(fā)達國家相繼改變傳統(tǒng)的人才培養(yǎng)方式以適應世界發(fā)展的潮流,因此,為保障教師教育在我國高師院校的順利開展,國家制定了諸多政策以支持教師教育專業(yè)的發(fā)展。師范性是區(qū)別教師教育專業(yè)與非師范專業(yè)最顯著的特征,然而我國高師院校的教師教育專業(yè)在發(fā)展過程中仍存在師范性特色不突出的現(xiàn)象,因此,本研究以教師教育為立足點來研究我國教師教育專業(yè)的師范性。
Abstract:With the rapid development of teacher education in the world-wideafter the middle of 20th century, many developed countries have changed theirtraditional personnel training methods one after another in order to adapt themselvesto the worldwide trends, so our country has opened up a lot of policies in order tomake sure the teacher education professional can be successfully carried out. Theteacher-training charact is the most significant differences between he teachereducation professional and non-normal professional. However, teacher-educationprofessional in our country's normal universities appears a phenomenon which theteacher-training charact is not prominent, so it is necessary to study the theteacher-training charact of the teacher-education professional in our country.
Through analysis the relevant literature both at home and abroad, the paperdifines the relevant concept preliminarily, and raise the teacher-training charactpossesses the value guidance in upgrading the teacher-education professional'soverall level, enhancing the students' overall training quality and promoting theprofessional development of teachers. However, teacher-education professional inour countries' normal universities incurs a series of insufficient in the process ofdevelopment: the total number of teacher-education professional' subjects are lowerthan those in non-normal course, the curriculum is not science, and theteachers' comprehensive quality and students' professional quality is not high. Thestudy analyses four specific reasons which include the related education mechanism,benefit and synthesis under the market economy, the teachers' and students'attainments of the teacher training charact.
At last, in order to enhance the teacher-training charact of teacher-educationprofessional, the paper puts forward corresponding counter-measures. First of all,through improving the relevant educational supervision which include the inspectionmechanism, the evaluation systems of the teacher education. Second, throughinnovativing the teacher-training curriculum, strengthening the disciplines researchof the teacher-education professional, upholding the importance of the teacher-training charact as well as the academic to uphold the inherent characteristic of theteacher-education professional. Third, through encouraging teachers to studypositively, mastering diverse teaching skills and increasing the career commitment toimprove teachers' teacher-training charact attainments. Finally, through emphasizingstudents to read the classical education books, cherishing the practice opportunitiesand realizing the importance of the general education to promote personal cultivationin order to improve the students' teacher-training charact attainments. Thus, we hopethrough these measures can make modest contribution to further enhance theteacher-training charact of teacher-education professionalKey words:teacher education; normal professional; teacher-training charact;teachers ' specialization.
目 錄
摘 要 ……Ⅰ
Abstract ……Ⅱ
第一章 緒 論 ……1
一、研究背景 …… 1
。ㄒ唬┦澜缃處熃逃l(fā)展的影響 …… 1
(二)我國教師教育發(fā)展的現(xiàn)實要求 …… 1
二、研究意義 …… 3
(一)理論意義 …… 3
。ǘ┈F(xiàn)實意義 …… 3
三、相關概念界定 …… 3
四、文獻綜述 …… 5
。ㄒ唬﹪鴥妊芯烤C述 …… 5
(二)國外研究綜述 …… 9
五、研究思路與方法 …… 11
。ㄒ唬┭芯克悸 …… 11
(二)研究方法 …… 11
第二章 教師教育專業(yè)加強師范性的價值導向 ……12
一、師范性是提升教師教育專業(yè)水平的理論支撐 …… 12
。ㄒ唬⿲(yōu)化教師教育專業(yè)課程結構具有協(xié)調作用 …… 12
(二)對確立教師教育專業(yè)培養(yǎng)目標具有引領作用 …… 13
二、師范性是提高師范生整體質量的重要指南 …… 13
(一)為提高教師教育專業(yè)生源質量提供有效依據(jù) …… 13
。ǘ楹饬繋煼渡w素質提供參考標準 …… 14
三、師范性是實現(xiàn)教師專業(yè)化發(fā)展的重要依據(jù) …… 15
。ㄒ唬⿴煼缎允潜WC教師職業(yè)地位的必要條件 …… 15
。ǘ⿴煼缎允窃u價教師職業(yè)發(fā)展水平的重要依據(jù) …… 16
第三章 教師教育專業(yè)師范性的不足 ……18
一、教師教育類專業(yè)日益式微 …… 18
二、師范類課程設置不均衡 …… 19
(一)教師教育課程比例有所減少 …… 19
。ǘ┱n程結構比例不太合理 …… 20
(三)教育實踐時間短、課時少且成效低 …… 21
三、教師的職業(yè)素養(yǎng)仍有提升空間 …… 22
。ㄒ唬┙處煹膶W科專業(yè)知識體系不完善 …… 22
。ǘ┙處煹慕虒W技能不夠豐富 …… 22
四、師范生的職業(yè)素養(yǎng)不高 …… 23
。ㄒ唬⿴煼渡穆殬I(yè)理想表現(xiàn)出消極化傾向 …… 23
。ǘ⿴煼渡穆殬I(yè)知識掌握不到位 …… 23
。ㄈ⿴煼渡穆殬I(yè)技能水平一般 …… 24
第四章 教師教育專業(yè)師范性不足的成因分析 ……26
一、相關教育機制不健全 …… 26
(一)教育監(jiān)督檢查機制實施力度不夠 …… 26
(二)教師教育評價體系不完善 …… 26
二、教師教育專業(yè)受市場經濟的沖擊較大 …… 27
。ㄒ唬┕绊懡處熃逃龑I(yè)的辦學定位 …… 27
。ǘ┚C合化影響教師教育專業(yè)的課程設置 …… 27
三、教師的師范性素養(yǎng)有所下降 …… 28
。ㄒ唬┙處煹穆殬I(yè)使命感降低 …… 28
(二)教師的教育技術素養(yǎng)較為傳統(tǒng) …… 28
。ㄈ┲亟逃碚撦p教育實踐 …… 29
四、師范生的師范性素養(yǎng)薄弱 …… 29
。ㄒ唬⿴煼渡穆殬I(yè)認同感不高 …… 29
。ǘ⿴煼渡狈嵺`熱情 …… 30
(三)師范生的心理調適能力不強 …… 30
第五章 加強教師教育專業(yè)師范性的有效對策 ……32
一、完善相關教育機制,大力扶持教師教育專業(yè) …… 32
。ㄒ唬┩晟平逃O(jiān)督檢查機制 …… 32
。ǘ└纳平處熑温氶L效機制 …… 32
(三)改進教師教育評價體系 …… 32
二、明確教師教育專業(yè)辦學定位,秉持師范性固有特色 …… 33
。ㄒ唬﹦(chuàng)新教師教育專業(yè)課程體系,突出教師教育特色 …… 33
(二)加強教師教育專業(yè)學科研究,提升教師教育品質 …… 33
。ㄈ┍謳煼缎耘c學術性并重觀念 …… 34
三、增強教師的“師范性”素養(yǎng) …… 35
。ㄒ唬┕膭罱處煼e極學習深造,充實“師范性”內涵 …… 35
。ǘ┨岢處煻鄬哟谓涣鳎莆斩鄻踊處熃逃寄 …… 35
。ㄈ淞⒎e極樂觀的心態(tài),提升教師的職業(yè)使命感 …… 36
四、強化師范生的“師范性”素養(yǎng) …… 37
(一)研讀經典教育類書籍,豐富教育專業(yè)知識 …… 37
。ǘ┱湎嵺`機會,提升教師教育技能 …… 37
。ㄈ┲匾曂ㄗR教育,提高自身教育素養(yǎng) …… 38
結 語 ……39
參考文獻 ……40
致 謝 ……45
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