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作者:王秀民,何美朵,王偉,王德芬【關鍵詞】 骨齡評估
【摘要】 目的 比較四種常用的骨齡評估法(BP、CHN、TW2、TW3)對骨齡評估結果的差異性;并比較用其對應的成人身高預測PAH法(BP、CHN、TW2-葉氏、TW3)預測不同病種患兒成人身高結果與實獲終身高(NAH)的差異性。方法 身高測量用墻式測高器,手及腕部骨齡X線片投照按標準技術,骨齡評估:使用上海瑞金醫(yī)院放射科設計的TW2、CHN骨齡評分軟件及GP圖譜,TW3根據TW2也用計算機輔助評估,用SPSS 10.0軟件,計量資料以(x±s)表示,做單因素方差分析(ANOVA),組間差異用LSD方法分析。結果 在各年齡四種骨齡評估法(GP、CHN、TW2、TW3)結果差異無顯著性(P>0.05);四種方法(BP、TW2-葉氏、CHN、TW3)預測終身高:BP法與預測終身高有正負相關即不同正相關性(R=0.95,P≤0.01),TW3與終身高也有正相關性R=0.923,P<0.01,如將患者分組,矮小組:TW2與NAH有差異(F=4.35,P=0.039),NAH與BP和CHN有相關性(R=0.918,P≤0.001),早熟組:三種方法(BP,CHN,TW2-葉氏),與NAH差異無顯著性,相關系數分別為R=0.981,P<0.01,R=0.982,P<0.01,R=0.988,P≤0.01;TS組:BP與NAH差異無顯著性(R=0.956,P<0.05),CHN與NAH不相關(R=0.623,P<0.05)。結論 (1)骨齡評估在小年齡(≤10歲),TW3與GP方法最接近。在大年齡評估中四種方法均可采用。(2)采用骨齡預測終身高TW3和BP法最接近NAH,但在不同疾病BP法更接近NAH。
【關鍵詞】 骨齡評估;近似終身高;預測終身高
Methods of childrens bone age assessment and prediction of adult height
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the different results of four common methods of bone age estimation (GP, CHN, TW2, TW3),and compare the differences between NAH and the predictive height by using the method of PAH (BP, CHN, TW2-Ye, TW3).Methods The heights were measured by instruments, and bone age of hand and wrist by X-ray according to standard technology. Bone age estimations were performed by using TW2, CHN bone age estimation software and GP map desired by Radiological Department of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital.TW3 estimation was done according to TW2 with computer assisting. Results was presented by χ2x±s. The software of SPSS 10.0 was used to statistically analysed with method of ANOVA. The differences among the groups were analysed by using the method of LSD. Results At different ages, the results of four methods of bone age estimation (GP, CHN, TW2, TW3) had no difference (P>0.05). BP method had positive correlation with predictive height (R=0.95,P≤0.01) and so was method of TW3 and predictive height (R=0.923, P≤0.01). Conclusion (1) At younger age (≤10 years old), the results of TW3 and GP are the closest to NAH. At elder age, we can use all the four methods to estimate the bone age. (2) For predicting height with bone age, the results of TW3 and BP are the closest to the NAH, but BP is closer to NAH if the child has any endocrine problems.
【Key words】 bone age assessment;near adult height;prediction of adult height
1 資料與方法
1.1 一般資料 GP圖譜中骨齡自出生至18~19歲共47張骨齡圖譜(男26例,女21例),另有男10例,女10例在上海瑞金醫(yī)院兒科內分泌隨訪的兒童(其中矮小組10例,性早熟組5例,Turner綜合征組5例),經隨訪已獲實際近似終身高者;實際近似終身高(ANH)的確定:隨訪時上一年身高增長1.5cm和(或)骨齡達15歲(女)或16歲(男),終訪時青春發(fā)育已達Tanner Ⅳ~Ⅴ期。